The winner of the 2018 Northland Predator Trap Design Competition has won both first and second place!

Xeryus Wilson, from Matarau School, impressed the judges with his innovative trap designs, taking out first and second place in the second year of the competition run by Kiwi North with his “Capture the Rat” and “Smarter Predator Trap” entries.
Xeryus was presented with his prize at the Matarau School assembly this morning by Kiwi Coast Coordinator Ngaire Sullivan.
Ngaire congratulated Xeryus, saying:
“Trap designs from all over Northland were entered into this year’s competition. Our three judges were experienced professional predator trappers from Bream Head Conservation Trust, Pukenui Western Hills Forest Trust and the Kiwi Link Community Pest Control Area. The judges commented on the massive leap in trap innovations this year and were really impressed with the calibre of entries.
“Xeryus’ ‘Capture the Rat’ design won first place and his ‘Smarter Predator Trap’ won second place. Both designs wowed the judges with the impressive thinking, technological innovation and humane kill aspects of the traps.”
Kiwi Coast sponsored the competition for the second year running, presenting Xeryus with a voucher for $500 worth of pest control products. Bunnings sponsored the second prize of a $50 Bunnings Voucher and gift vouchers for two other High School finalists: Glen Keogh and Jack Haverkort.
Shirley Peterson, competition organiser and Educator at Kiwi North said “It’s amazing to see young minds grappling with pest control technology and using their imaginative engineering skills to come up with fresh ideas that may be put to use in the field to help us reach the aspirational goal of a predator free New Zealand.”