Kiwi Coast

January 20, 2023

Time to Send in your 2022 Pest Control Results!

A new year means it’s time to tally up last year’s trap catch results and send them in!

Once again we will collate everyone’s trap catch data who wishes to participate across Northland. We’re looking for animal pest control results for January 1 – December 31 2022. We’ll then feed the totals back to everyone  as soon as we can.

As an incentive Kiwi Coast is offering a prize of $500 worth of traps.  The winning group/project or landowner will be drawn randomly from all those who get their results in by the  5pm Tuesday the 31st of January 2023 deadline.

There are a number of ways to get your data in:

  1. Email Ngaire to get an excel spreadsheet to fill in.
  2. Or,  if your data is in, check that one of the Kiwi Coast Coordinators is a member so we can access the data. Just check everything is all up to date and on February 1st we will download the data.
  3. Send it in via email, postcard, text or singing telegram – we’re not picky!
Can you believe that this will be our tenth year of collating Northland’s pest control results?

The grand total since we began collating the data in 2013 is 591,584 pests! Here’s how those results have been tracking:


On average, over 1900 animal pests are now removed by groups and projects linked into the Kiwi Coast collective every week!

There are now 210 entities (community groups, iwi/hapu, agencies, organisations, forestry companies and schools) linked into the Kiwi Coast, each working hard and together covering approximately 245,000ha of Northland! Still no sign of momentum slowing down!

It would still be good to improve the info in the ‘Total number of people involved in your project/group’ column. Please estimate the total number of people involved in your group or project  – whether they are trappers, administrators, weedbusters, kiwi listeners, data enterers, or communication gurus! We trying to get a handle on just how many people are involved across all the groups…

Any queries – just get in touch with one of your Kiwi Coast Coordinators – either Ngaire, Lesley in the Far North or  Andrew in the Mid North.

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