Kiwi Coast

June 2, 2015

Specialist sniffer confirms kiwi whanau

Tohu the specially trained "kiwi dog"
Tohu the specially trained “kiwi dog”

Tohu the trained kiwi dog recently found kiwi spanning three generations as part of a kiwi survey for the Mahinepua-Radar Hill Landcare Group in the Far North.

Tohu found a range of juvenile and adult kiwi, during a kiwi survey in May. Finding both adults and juveniles is really rewarding, says Marj Cox, secretary for the Mahinepua-Radar Hill Landcare Group.

Marj says: “Finding wild adult kiwi means that our community is doing a great job at keeping their dogs well controlled in our area. Finding the juveniles means that our predator trapping is working, and that kiwi chicks are surviving that crucial first year when they are so vulnerable to predators such as stoats.”

” Finding three generations of kiwi proves that our predator control program is making the difference between our chick survival rate and the national average of only 5% kiwi chick survival!”

Tohu has been specially trained by Approved Kiwi Handler Lesley Baigent to sniff out, but not investigate, kiwi. Lesley described one of the kiwi found as “a really lovely young female with an exceptionally long bill and a beautiful coat, both colour and lustre.”  She weighed 1.7kg with a 125 mm bill.  Also found were a chick several months old (740grams with a 70mm bill) and a very young chick  (340grams with a 57mm bill.)

“When Tohu scents a kiwi, she stands still, and points her muzzle and foot in the direction of the kiwi in it’s burrow. She remains there, while I reach in and find the kiwi, give it a health check and attach a transmitter if required. Then she gets a special dog biscuit treat, and we’re off to see if she can find another”.

Tohu is trained to search through kiwi habitat in ever decreasing loops to pinpoint the exact location of a live kiwi. Lesley and Tohu work as a tight team, keeping close together as they search through the area. Tohu is fitted out with a muzzle, ‘kiwi dog’ identifying jacket and a special GPS collar that transmits information back to Lesley, such as how far they have walked that day.

Tohu is very highly trained, and is one of about 40 ‘kiwi dogs’ in New Zealand. Tohu is a german shorthaired pointer, and is about 6 1/2 years old. She has helped find many Northland kiwi, to assist projects put transmitters on kiwi and to carry out kiwi surveys such as that carried out for the  Mahinepua-Radar Hill Landcare Group.

“Thanks to Tohu, we know our kiwi population are thriving, and this gives us confidence to keep the hard work going!” says Marj.

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