140 people attended the National Kiwi Hui last week at Marsden Point. It was fantastic to see so many Kiwi Coast groups represented, along with projects from all over Northland and New Zealand.
Kiwis for Kiwi and the Department of Conservation organise the free conference every year, alternating between the North and South Island. The hui covered a wide range of topics which were a good mix of scientific research, advice for kiwi practitioners and presentations from kiwi recovery projects.

These kiwi hui are a wonderful opportunity for kiwi conservationist from around New Zealand and from a range of fields to network, exchange ideas and learn about what is going on in the kiwi conservation world.
The hui kicked off with a choice of two afternoon fieldtrips – one to the Marunui conservation project in the Brynderwyns and the other to Whangarei Heads. The Kiwi Coast was involved in the Whangarei Heads field trip, that showcased the community-led kiwi recovery work being carried out by the Friends of Matakohe-Limestone Island, Backyard Kiwi, Manaia Landcare and the Bream Head Conservation Trust.

Days 2 and 3 of the hui saw a raft of presentations, kicked off with a key speaker Al Bramley, the new CEO of Zero Invasive Predators and the exciting technology being developed which has the potential to revolutionise pest control in New Zealand.
A Kiwi Coast presentation to the hui was well received with many people commenting on the impressive pest control results and early gains being made after only two years of implementation.
The 2016 National Kiwi Hui will be held in the South Island – keep an eye on the Kiwis for Kiwi website for more information closer to the time.