Kiwi Coast

January 5, 2024

Time to get your 2023 Pest Control Results In!

Happy New Year everyone – Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou! And that means it’s time to get your 2023 Pest Control Results in!

And in some good news for all those who dread our spreadsheets, you can now submit your results via this simple form.

Or, if your data is in, ensure it’s all up to date, check that Kiwi Coast is a member so we can access the data and we’ll do a bulk download of all the data on February 1st.

The new form should be easier for you and will automatically collate all the data into a spreadsheet. This will save us weeks of work and reduce the potential for data entry errors. So hopefully this new method is a win-win and we’ll be able to turn around the results much faster than the last couple of years. However, if you do prefer to use the old excel spreadsheet – all good! Just send in your data whichever way suits you best and we’ll sort the rest!

Speaking of which, can you believe that this will be our 11th year of collating Northland’s pest control results? The grand total since we began collating the data in 2013 is 708,536 pests! Here’s how those results have been tracking:

Kiwi Coast Collective 2022 Pest Control Results

On average, over 2,250 animal pests are now removed by groups and projects linked into the Kiwi Coast collective every week!

There are now 225 entities (community groups, iwi/hapu, agencies, organisations, forestry companies and schools) linked into the Kiwi Coast, each working hard and together covering approximately 251,300ha of Northland! Still no sign of momentum slowing down!

Once again as an incentive we’re offering a prize of $500 worth of pest control products. The winning group/project or landowner will be drawn randomly from all those who get their results in by the deadline of  5pm January 31st, 2024.

And lastly, a huge THANKS to each and everyone of you for all the work that you do. Together, we are truly making a difference and there is no doubt that Northland is better off as a result!

Any queries – just get in touch with one of your Kiwi Coast Coordinators – either Ngaire, Lesley in the Far North or Andrew in the Mid North.

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