Another successful Local Trapping Workshop!
Recent interest in pest control at Takahue in the Far North brought a keen group of locals to the latest Kiwi Coast Local Trapping Workshop at the Takahue Hall.
Lesley Baigent (Kiwi Coast Far North Coordinator) and Mae Lewis (Kiwi Coast Far North Field Support) were on hand to chat about the wide range of animal pests plaguing native forests and the wildlife being lost.
Mae said “A wide range of traps and tools were demonstrated and everyone got to have a try learning how to set and reset the traps, apply lures and figure out what will work best for their situation.
While most people were trapping for possums already, a coordinated community effort will have a greater impact. Everyone was keen to get together and increase their effectiveness, share resources and hopefully get a wider area trapped for mustelids and feral cats as well.”
We look forward to seeing what happens in Takahue next – watch out pests!
If you’re interested in having a Local Trapping Workshop in your area you can book one here. Thanks to funding from Foundation North we are able to run these as free community events.