Kiwi Coast

August 13, 2024

Rat Squad Visit

The Bay of Islands International Academy are part of the Predator Free Purerua-Mataroa Project coordinated by Kiwi Coast. Kiwi Coast’s Andrew Mentor, Mae Lewis and Stephen Kearney visited the school to see how their Rat Squad were getting on and help the next generation of kiwi savers build their skills…

Article by Mae Lewis, Kiwi Coast Mid-West Coordinator


On Thursday, Kiwi Coast checked in with Bay of Island International Academy on the Purerua Peninsula, to see how their trapping skills are coming along, and to deliver some kiwi nesting boxes donated by Bunnings Warehouse.

The keen group of students, called the Rat Squad, have been learning about how to help the kiwi population on the peninsula, by trapping pests and walking dogs on a leash. Bunnings Warehouse from Waipapa and Whangarei were there to meet the Rat Squad and deliver a donation of eight kiwi nesting boxes.

While Northland brown kiwi often nest happily in the most unexpected places, the boxes may provide some good alternatives where deforestation over time has reduced some of their options.

“Thanks Bunnings Warehouse for your support with this initiative – and thanks to the Rat Squad and the Bay of Island International Academy for the commitment to helping your kiwi thrive.”

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